Thought for the Week - 6th December
Pastor Gareth WatkinsIsaiah 59: 1-2 (NKJV)
1 John 1: 9
These are words of hope to us in these times of illness, fear and trouble. ‘’The Lord’s hand is not shortened’’. God is still in control and in Him we are not lost. In all the chaos and confusion around us, it is important to re-establish what is truth. His ear can still hear, His hand can still save, and this has not changed because of the pandemic. God still hears our struggles, He sees our difficulties and wants to save us, however it is our sin that separates us from Him.
‘’But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.’’…Does this describe you today? If you are separated from God, full of anxiety, fear and hopelessness, then this is a word of hope for you. Inwardly God wants to change you. He wants you to be victorious, a conqueror and triumphant.
Are you a victim or a victor? Satan would see you fail, crushed and broken, but all that he would steal and destroy can be restored in new hope and new life if you turn to God whose hand is not shortened towards you. ‘’If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’’
Do you want to live in fear or faith? As Christians we do not need to live in fear, we are not lost in these COVID times, we are not hopeless, but loved and part of the body of Christ.
Come humbly to Christ today, confess your sin and His hand will not be shortened to you, He will be faithful in His promise to save you, hear you, and hold you fast through these difficult times.
A powerful word. Thank you for sharing it.