Thought for the Week - 7th May
Pastor Gareth WatkinsAnd he said, “Here I am.”
Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.”
Holiness. Holy. To be Holy.
Holy isn’t a word we hear much today except in church circles. People proclaim the word with terms like “holy moly”, “holy mackerel”, or “holier than thou”. Yet Holy and Holiness are attributes of God.
People sometimes ask what is God like, and the first answer is Holy. We have a Holy God.
Yes God is good, God is loving, God is pure, God is omnipresent and all powerful… yet, at His centre, He is a Holy God. The bible refers to the Holiness of God more than any other of His attributes.
Isaiah fell down as one who was dead as he encountered God in a vision. This makes us think of what we would be like if we had an encounter with the Holiness of God. Moses teaches us about the Holiness of God and Mr Black – our founder – wrote a book sharing some of these details. Encountering the Holiness of God is a momentous experience which is available to every believer.
In Exodus 3, Moses was to stand in Holy ground, that is why we hear of it as recorded for us in the bible. Moses was attracted to the burning bush. Moses was to see the angel within the fire. Moses was to hear the voice of God.
Two people can come into our meetings. One person can see and hear and feel the impact of an encounter with God. The other can leave dry, upset or emotional. Those who come troubled by demons can find all kinds of reactions rise up from within. All this because of the fire of God and the Holiness of God. People’s spiritual condition is revealed in these moments.
Where are you before a Holy God today?
Powerful word Gareth. Thank you