Thought for the Week - 10th May
Pastor Gareth Watkins1 THESSALONIANS 4: 15-18
“And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”
I read an account about Albert Einstein on a train, he was frantically looking for his ticket when the conductor, of course recognising who he was, made an allowance and said to him ”it’s okay I know who you are”. Einstein however continued to search. Again, the conductor said ”it’s okay I know who you are I don’t need to see the ticket”. Einstein’s reply was an unexpected one, and sadly one that is representative of the condition of many souls today. He replied ”yes I know who I am, but I do not know where I am going”.
People all around us are desperately lost. They are deceived to think they are driving their life their own way, but underneath it all they have no direction, no assurance, and nothing on which to anchor. In the world it is easy to become misled amid all the confusion, inconsistencies, conflicting messages, and unobtainable ideals in every direction, but this is not so for the Christian.
As Christians we are not trapped in a hopeless, helpless existence. We may well be going through many a difficulty and yet to go through more still, but the important part of this is the ‘going through’. We can rest away from all the trying to navigate, in the uncomplicated and powerful truth, that if we continue on in Christ, our eternity with Him is assured.
‘’And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.’’(1 John 2:28)
One day we will be with our Saviour. Is there a more wonderful thought than this? You and I will be with our heavenly Father for all eternity. He will wipe away every tear and embrace us as His children. No more despair. No more sin. No more suffering. Think on this, walk confidently in the assurance of it, step by step obediently abiding in Him, and you will grow in consistency and stability, with direction and purpose, from now unto eternity. This time will pass, and we are just passing through onto glory.