Thought for the Week - 12th July
Pastor Gareth WatkinsRomans 12: 2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God’’
God still heals today; during a recent Alpha group we discussed healing and many within the group recounted how God had healed them and their families from all kinds of afflictions. We heard how God had healed people from their mental health problems, physical complaints, injuries and illnesses, many of which had been unsuccessfully treated by medical intervention over many months or years, rendering them uncurable.
Healing is a wonderful thing of God in which He proves Himself time and time again not only to the individual, but to the families and communities around them from their testimonies. As we keep coming to God with our sins, problems and requests, beseeching Him to change us and pleading ‘’take us as we are oh Lord’’, He will prove what is acceptable and His perfect will in our lives.
Each of us needs to be a grain of salt that contains the very presence of God, accepting that no matter who we are, God has called each of us to be that grain. In accepting this there comes an action of God, not just in theory but the action in our lives in which the revelation of God comes. Through the action of laying our lives down, the action of God brings transformation, blessing, understanding, knowledge and joy. We have heard the teachings, the stories of famous people, but this is personal, it is for you and I in this time.
God does not start something and abandon it; He continues and transforms us so that we would no longer continue in the standards of this world, but as new lives proving His will. God’s transforming and renewing power is very much alive and at work today which we hear in testimony after testimony. As we lay down our lives, Christ picks us up and makes us into the new creation He wants us to be.
Jesus gave everything to pay for your salvation for you to return to Him. He is the Lord of the universe and He is calling out to you. Maybe you don’t see yourself as important enough, but Christ gave everything He had to redeem you.
Hand everything over to Christ today, ask Him to heal, to renew your mind, to transform you and see Him prove Himself in your life and the lives of your family. He has made a way for you where there was no way.
Bless His Holy Name!
Encouraging word. Thank you for sharing it.