Thought for the Week - 12th October
Pastor Diana Rutherford, Struthers CumbernauldPsalm 91: 1
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
We had a lovely service on Sunday morning. The word was very pertinent to many of us; a true word bringing comfort to many hearts. It was very easy to lead worship afterwards and find a rich sense of His presence surrounding us.
This morning I yearned to find the same presence and on reading this verse thought it tied in with the theme of yesterday morning’s service.
The thought that we might live in the shelter of the Most High is a beautiful thought. The storms of life may rage but we can find shelter behind Him. We are never alone when we are close to Him. He will stand between us and the battle and protect us from all that would alarm us. In the shadow of His presence we find rest. To stand in someone’s shadow means you have to be very close to them! Being close to God brings rest. Not just physical rest from the day’s activities but a deep quiet within us. The shelter that God provides is so perfect that we can find a place to really relax and rest in the very depths of our soul. This is where we thrive and are truly spiritually nourished when we are quiet within. We have the ability to turn our focus on Christ and drink in of His loveliness and find His changing power at work within us. Here we shall discover a place where we can walk consistently and steadily before Him no matter what crosses our path.
‘Let the light of your face shine on us. Fill my heart with joy.’
Psalm 4:6-7