Thought for the Week - 28th November
Pastor Gareth WatkinsRomans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose
What is truth? It’s a controversial question these days. However Paul says “he knows” that in all things God works for the good of those who loves Him.
All things! Whether it’s sickness, death, tragedy, troubles or loss, God will work those things for the good of those who love Him. If you love God, He will work even the most horrible, nasty and difficult things together for good. This is something we need to know deep down into our hearts and hang onto as a rock and stability in turbulent times. All things work together for good when they are in God’s hands.
Things do come against us, and we can’t pretend they don’t. But God will use these things to bring the best for those who love Him. To bring the best for you. We can’t always see the outcome of it, but we must hold onto the fact that God is there in the midst of it. Life may batter us and blow us around, but we need only hold onto God, safe in the knowledge that He will work it for our good.
It’s much like a cake, whose ingredients are most unappetising when eaten alone, but then develop into the tastiest cake. When these circumstances are in God’s hands, He works them together for the good of His children who love Him. God will stir and bake the cake that is our lives, we need only to hold on. And when we get out the other side, we are able to see the handiwork of God.
In order for God to to this, we must love Him, as we read the words “for those who love him”. We must love Him in order for Him to work these things for our good.
Do you have troubles, sickness, unhappiness, spiritual attacks or feel distanced from God? Come to Him. Love Him. And know that all things work together for good for those who love God.
I love this thought. Thank you Gareth for sharing. A word full of truth and encouragement