Thought for the Week - 6th March
Pastor Gareth WatkinsGod’s Word Triumphs
2 Kings 10: 28
So Jehu eradicated Baal worship from Israel.
The background to this is the story of Jezebel and the evil acts she committed. She physically killed off the prophets of God! But God brought a drought to turn the nation around… He sent Elijah and used ravens to feed him. His enemies sought him out, because they knew Elijah had the authority of God. But God kept him safe, and in the end he was the only prophet of God left.
Sometimes in life – looking over history and looking around us today – it can sometimes be difficult to see God’s Word in action. We can sometimes find ourselves wondering where is God. But the fact is that God’s Word triumphs, and we need to have faith in that Word. It’s not up to us to try to work it out… it’s for God to introduce His word into each situation. Evil might exist around us, but God’s Word exists too and it’s God’s word that is triumphant every time!
We can see the authority of God in 2 Kings 9: 3 – “Take the container of olive oil, pour it over his head, and say ‘this is what the Lord says, ‘I have designated you as the King of Israel’. Then open the door and run away quickly!”. This act took some guts! Sometimes we can be so weak that we don’t put enough trust in the power of God. But God never loses His authority! When He speaks, a change comes. We might fear, there might be evil people and acts, we might have illnesses… and these things might continue, but only until God speaks! Life presents new Jezebels and Ahabs in front of us time and time again, but God will speak!
We can read God’s Word and His prophecy about Jezebel in 2 Kings 9: 10 – “Dogs will devour Jezebel on the plot of ground in Jezreel; she will not be buried. Then he opened the door and run away”. We see in 2 Kings 9: 33-35 how the Word of God came into that situation and how His promise was fulfilled.
We don’t always understand the working of God’s Word. But that’s not for us to worry about! He is God… the God who made the universe, the world and everything in it! Have faith in Him! He is calling us not to falter when the Jezebel’s of this world come, but to stay strong. We need to realign ourselves with the way that God wants us to go, and ask ourselves who will we follow?
In Kings 10: 26-27 we see exactly how triumphant God’s Word is – “They hauled out the sacred pillar of the temple of Baal and burned it. They demolished the sacred pillar of Baal and the temple of Baal; it is used as a latrine to this very day”. Ahab, Jezebel and Baal were destroyed and removed from that nation. Why? Because God said it!
Which way will you go? Will you give in to the pressures of life or listen to your God? God speaks to each one of us today! Jezebel ended up being eaten by dogs and not even buried… there are consequences if we don’t follow the things of God and heed His Word! Would you live with spiritual insight, or would you not follow God’s Word but fall away?
Don’t be an Ahab, but be a Jehu. Desire the things of God and follow His Word!