Thought for the Week - 21st June
VandaACTS 26: 19
“Therefore… I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision”
Paul’s vision was Christ appearing to him in a bright light, he heard His voice instructing him to do what He wanted Him to do, go where He wanted him to go, and how He wanted him to do it from that point on. Paul saw the vision God had for his life, his heart was charged with it, and he remained obedient to it for the rest of his life.
Nearing the end of his life, Paul wrote words of encouragement to Timothy his spiritual son who came alongside him and supported the work. Having done all that He did, and enduring all that he suffered for it, he said… “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7)
Visions given by God come in different forms to encourage, strengthen, reveal God’s will, and give His people instruction for the way forward. Whilst some people hear God’s voice audibly, or hear His voice spoken clearly into their heart, others will see vivid imagery, or go out into the spiritual realm. Some of us won’t receive visions at all, and that doesn’t make us any less Christian. We each have something to bring and are used in the way that God planned specifically for us.
When God sets us within a church, He doesn’t place us there without a vision. Even if you don’t know what that vision is, or you haven’t seen it yet, there is a purpose and a vision for your life and your part within the church. You become part of the vision for the work, and the Church’s vision becomes yours. The vision for God’s work is a shared one. It is the river of life that flows through us. It is continually working to further the kingdom of God drawing the current and future generations to come and drink of the springs of life.
As we come out of lockdown, there are new visions, new plans, and more souls in need. It is part of our purpose and calling to support the work going forward. We should stand behind the person who has the vision for God’s work, and to turn our hand for whatever is needed. When we come in obedience, ready to put our hand to the plow, as vessels absent of self and agenda, we are blessed in ways we won’t foresee.
Our natures are dealt with wondrously, and as we offer ourselves up for God’s work, He lovingly and compassionately does a miraculous work in us. Those things that would rise up and bind, will fade in the power of the light and likeness of Christ that grows within.
Let us go forward in love for our God, obedient to the heavenly vision.